1. Gave a tour of the hospital to the new first year medical students. It's amazing how bored I can get after hearing myself talking for what seemed like three hours straight. (I found myself feeling kind of guilty about using the same jokes and "off the cuff" comments with the different groups.) During the first tour, I was leading the herd into an elevator to go to the ICU floor and lo and behold, there in the elevator car was Sorens in his long white coat and scrubs. Sorens is one of my best friends from growing up in SLC and now he's doing his surgery internship at the Mothership. We chatted for a bit, but he was in a hurry off to do important Real Doctor stuff for the Alex Cooper bariatrics team. I'm not sure if he understood my hidden message in our conversation: "Help me! My medical education has been reduced to this!" Seriously, I don't mind things like giving tours every once in a while, but usually I volunteer for them, rather than being assigned to it as part of a Primary Care Clerkship (I had to miss working at the ENT office in the afternoon, one of my few learning opportunities during the week). Best question asked by a member of the tour group:
Cute girl: Thanks for pointing out the outpatient pediatric clinic so professionally. By the way, my name is ___. Why don't we get together sometime?
Well, that might not be exactly how it happened.
2. Sick on Friday. Staying up until 4 AM working on my Primary Care Paper probably didn't help. Got to review some interesting data (endarterectomy indications, carotid stenting, cardiovascular event prevention with statins, osteoporosis therapy, and many more!), but the timing could have been better.
3. Driving range at Chelsea Piers on Saturday. My 5 and 7 iron were doing awesome, but women and children who saw me hit with my driver ran away into the streets in tears.
4. Sunday. Church was good. I'm in a great ward with some great folks. On my way back afterwards, for some reason I spent a lot of time thinking about probability spaces and somehow that developed into thinking about the importance of books in transmitting not only knowledge but ways of thinking. Afterwards, an impromtu dinner with friends in which SB made a noble effort to introduce several of the group to the virtues of yams. Later on, I discovered that the word "Gnomes" is not in my cell phone's dictionary for texting.
One more picture from the files:
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