Monday, October 1, 2007

Relearning how to work

So last week I started my sub-internship at The Center, ending a greatly underappreciated 6 weeks of essentially lounging around while occasionally placing a stethoscope to someone's chest. For those who were unfortunate enough to talk to me after my first day and endured despondent talk about looking into careers in consulting, you will be happy to know things have much improved. It can only go uphill when someone dies on you your first day (now I know "the death rattle").

Since I have to go to bed soon, a few highlights from the last week:

On rounds - Patient: "Wait a second--I'm confused... But not because I'm **confused**". Sadly, if this guy wasn't confused then, he was an hour and four-point restraints later. We're still trying to figure out what's going on.

On rounds - Attending Savant/Genius Physician: "So perhaps Donald would explain to us the mechanisms of drug X, which was FDA-approved 3 months ago." Don: [blink blink mumble mumble]. Attending: [big smile]