Every once in a while, one of those chain e-mails your friend sends you is just too priceless to let fade into your e-mail archive without being shared in some way. So I feel that by reading my blog, you've already indicated you are willing to kill some time. The following are from a JC Penney catalog circa 1977. That was only two years before I was born! Thank goodness my family was too poor at the time to become ensnared at what could only be an evil communist plot to subvert America's sense of fashion and long-term fertility rates:
How to get beat up at the Annual Karate and Pajama Fest:
How to get beat up by your posterity 1:

How to get beat up on Evil Dr. Nod's Island of Brainwashed Beauties (I'm referring to the red head kerchief--the rest is standard issue after you've been cloned):

I really don't mean to degrade the jump suit--in fact, I think it's the most sensible and comfortable piece of clothing ever designed. Any others agree?
I wouldn't knock it... It might just come back in style. :)
There is no question that I would wear that pajama top. I would wear it tonight if I had it.
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